A 1.5 cm-thick vein of pseudotachylyte seen under the microscope. This ‘fossil earthquake’ formed when rapid slip on a fault plane caused localised melting of water-rich minerals. The melt was injected into the host rock then ‘froze’ as a dark, glassy vein.
“Evolution's a bit like riding a bicycle — you can slow down, but if you stop you'll fall off.”
— Steve Jones interviewed by Tom Feildon on bbc.co.uk Today, 7/10/2008
I started Earthlight Editing in July 2024 to achieve more autonomy in my professional work, and to expand my editing and writing services to a wider range of academic, government and private clients.
My love of, and expertise in, geoscience comes from 15 years immersed in geology, first as a student and later in research and teaching. Completing a PhD in 1998 from the University of Otago, New Zealand, opened the way to placements in Germany, Namibia and the United Arab Emirates.
Back in New Zealand, from 2005 to 2006 I extended my skills to embrace digital cartography (ArcGIS) and worked briefly with a geotechnical firm.
The Bio
“Some things are in our control and others not.”
— Enchiridion, attributed to Epictetus c. 50–135 CE
Moving on a whim to Western Australia in 2007, I had a chance phone call that led to a surprising and inspiring career change. Joining the Geological Survey of Western Australia as geoscience editor enabled a gratifying merger of my enthusiasm for geology with my intuition for language and writing.
During 16 years with GSWA I have helped authors from a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise take their work from draft manuscript to publication and promotion. Work I’ve edited includes:
numerous Report and Record series books
several premium publications
articles for conference abstract volumes
content for the state government’s website
traditional, printed geoscience maps
digital maps and geoscience data layers
content for databases with internal and public user interfaces.
Since 2020, I have researched, produced and edited interactive online publications as ArcGIS StoryMaps and for mobile apps. These aim to bring some of GSWA’s wealth of geoscience expertise within reach of non-specialists and geotourists.
The client's expectations come first and foremost
I pay close attention to detail and am committed to quality in all I do. Above all, I strive for clear, timely and transparent communication to achieve outcomes that meet or exceed my client's expectations.
A constant thirst for new experiences has taken me by foot, kayak and bicycle to diverse and beautiful parts of the world. These encounters with people, cultures, languages and landscapes have enriched my practice as a geoscience editor.
Currently, I am at home between lands of the Wardandi and Bibbulman Peoples of remote southwest Western Australia. Thanks to the magic of technology, this affords a chance to offer editing services to clients globally, while connecting daily with ancient forests and landscapes.
I have been a member of the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd) since 2011 and served on IPEd's board from 2017 to 2019.