
“Developmental [and other] editors make the author’s vision their vision.”

— Val Mathews, Instructor at Editorial Freelancers Association

My fees for editing and proofreading services are based on guidelines issued by the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd) and the Editorial Freelancers Association (EfA), and are calibrated against other businesses offering similar services.

Free sample edit

I offer a free sample edit up to 1200 words.

This gives me a feel for your writing style, and helps me assess the level of editing I feel will benefit the document.

After I’ve returned the sample edit, we meet to discuss what’s needed to achieve the best outcome for your purposes.

I will provide you with a guide that describes what you can expect from the editor–client relationship, and we draw up an agreement for the work I will undertake.


The fee for standard copyediting services is A$110 per hour.

The exact amount charged by Earthlight Editing depends on the size of the document, the level of editing required, and the desired turnaround time.

How long will it take?

A 7000–8000 word manuscript will usually take 6.5 to 8 hours work, assuming it is written by authors with a high level of English literacy. This excludes tables, references and supplementary material.

I aim for a turnaround time of 4–5 business days.

A surcharge of 30% may be applied to work that needs to be done more urgently.

Structural editing

Structural editing is offered at the same rate as copyediting.

However, the job will likely take longer than a standard copyedit because structural editing requires a deeper reading of the document.

We may need to meet a few times to talk through the proposed edits. We will need to discuss editing requirements for figures, tables or supplementary material (such as appendices).

Please contact me to obtain a more precise estimate for the cost of undertaking a structural edit of your documents.

Proofreading and reference editing

The fee for these services is A$110 per hour.

Proofreading generally takes less time than copyediting, provided the document has previously been edited and all changes have been agreed and accepted.

You can expect a turnaround time of 2–3 days for a previously edited document.

Please contact me to discuss other proofreading requests, and for all enquiries regarding reference editing.

StoryMaps and other services

Quotations for developing StoryMaps or other ArcGIS Online projects can be prepared after we have looked at requirements and scope of the job.

Let’s discuss who will do the research, writing, sourcing or designing of various media, metadata, and other work.

I’m happy to offer an initial 45 minute conversation free of charge to talk through your objectives and assess the kinds of tasks I will undertake.