There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.
— Ursula K LeGuin, author, 1929–2018 (AZ Quotes)
Your stories to the world
Since establishing Earthlight Editing, I have set up independently in ArcGIS Online to develop and produce StoryMaps. [link to:]
As geoscience specialists, we are in a unique position to reach out with stories about our work and our passion for the science of the Earth.
If you have an Earth science story you want the wider world to know about, I can help you design, develop and publish that story.
ArcGIS StoryMaps by Esri [link to:] is an ideal platform for this. StoryMaps is one in a suite of cloud applications that integrates Esri’s renowned geographic information systems (GIS) tools with a flexible, interactive storytelling format.
Using ArcGIS Pro and spatial data from a range of sources we can build interactive webmaps, integrate these with compelling narratives, imagery, and other media, and deliver the resulting stories to the world free via any major internet browser.
What stories do you want to tell?